[ensembl-dev] FW: Inquiry Regarding Backend Code for Ensembl VEP Tool

Syed Hossain snhossain at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Jun 18 13:53:26 BST 2024


Thanks for your query and your interest in VEP!

The repository you are looking for is the following -

But keep in mind that, ensembl-vep depends on other Ensembl 
repositories, like -

The other questions are kind of broad and is not sufficient to be 
answered in an email. It is good idea to start with the documentation 
first. I would recommend going through the following documentations -
Ensembl VEP documentation - 
Variation API diagrams etc. - 
Which and how variation data are stored/processed - 

They will give you the overall idea of how Ensembl VEP works. If you 
have specific questions after that we will be happy to answer.

Best regards,

On 2024-06-17 15:25, Siyang Feng wrote:
> From: Siyang Feng <feng.siy at northeastern.edu>
> Date: Monday, June 17, 2024 at 10:21 AM
> To: dev at ensembl.org <dev at ensembl.org>
> Subject: Inquiry Regarding Backend Code for Ensembl VEP Tool
> Dear Ensembl Team,
>  I hope this message finds you well. I’m Siyang Feng, a student
> major in Computer Science.
>  I am writing to inquire about the backend implementation of the
> Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) tool available on your website,
> specifically at the following URL:
> https://useast.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Tools/VEP.
>  I’m interested in understanding the technical details and
> architecture of the backend system that powers the VEP tool on your
> website. We are particularly keen on the following aspects:
>  	* The backend codebase or repository, if available.
> 	* The process for handling and processing the user-submitted variant
> data.
> 	* The parameters used in the VEP tool and how they are managed and
> utilized.
> 	* Any documentation or resources that could help us integrate a
> similar solution in our own backend system.
>  I greatly appreciate the efforts of the Ensembl team in providing
> such a valuable resource to the scientific community. Thank you for
> your time and assistance.
>  Siyang Feng
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