[ensembl-dev] VEP plugin errors on Ensembl 76+

Guillermo Marco Puche guillermo.marco at sistemasgenomicos.com
Fri Oct 3 16:20:51 BST 2014

Dear developers,

I'm experiencing some VEP plugin errors on Ensembl 76+.

I've uploaded both plugins failing to this public repository: 

I've been looking for API changes in 
but I can't really find why I'm getting the following errors:

Plugin 'Interpro_fixed' went wrong: Can't call method "translation" on an undefined value at Interpro_fixed.pm line 107

Plugin 'Gene_description' went wrong: Can't call method "description" on an undefined value at Gene_description.pm line 78.

It's like hashes are empty:

$gene = $config->{ga}->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($transcript_id);

	$gene_desc = $gene->description;

my $slice_adaptor = $config->{reg}->get_adaptor(($config->{species}), 
'core', 'Transcript');

	my $tr = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($Transcript);

	my $translation = $tr->translation;

I suspect of $config->{ga} and $config->{reg} are the cause of this 
problem, because I still see fetch_by_transcript_stable_idand 
fetch_by_stable_idmethods on Ensembl API.

Thanks !

Best regards,
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