[ensembl-dev] VEP: Is it possible to add LRG annotations?

Andrew Carson acarson at invivoscribe.com
Mon Apr 7 22:28:57 BST 2014

Hi Dr. McLaren,

Sorry for the additional query, but I would like to add to my last posted question. As I investigate further, it seems that I don't understand how the --lrg flag works. Is it adding a second separate annotation if there is an LRG overlap?
I notice that when I run the commands:

perl variant_effect_predictor.pl --fork 4 --no_stats --everything --lrg --cache --format vcf --force_overwrite --check_existing --check_alleles --vcf --no_progress --pubmed --gmaf --maf_1kg --pick -i input.vcf -o output.VEP.vcf

Whenever I get a LRG annotation, there is a separate regular annotation. For example:

1       92941604        .     C       T       .       .       CSQ=T|ENSG00000162676|ENST00000370332|Transcript|synonymous_variant|1570|1251|417|T|acG/acA|COSM1344916|||7/7||||||


Followed 105 lanes later by:

1       92941604        .     C       T       .       .       CSQ=A|LRG_63|LRG_63t1|Transcript|synonymous_variant|1501|1251|417|T|acG/acA||||7/7|||||||1||YES|LRG_63|LRG||||LRG_g


This causes the output .vcf to have out of order variants (no longer properly sorted). Not that this is the same consequence but one shown as the + strand (CSQ=T) and one is shown on the - strand (CSQ=A).

Am I doing something wrong here?

Any help would be appreciated.


>Thank you very much Dr. McLaren.

>Just one clarification to the LRG choice. Is the LRG always presented as the first consequence (if it exists)? If this is true, then if the --pick chooses the worst consequence, and there are multiple transcripts with the same >"worst consequence", does VEP --pick the first transcript with that consequence? If that is true, if the LRG contains the "worst consequence" along with other similar transcripts, will --pick successfully choose this consequence >over other equal transcripts?

>Any help on this would be appreciated.

>Thank you again!



>I should also say that there's currently no way to prioritise LRG

>consequences other than filtering using filter_vep.pl, though this wouldn't

>be a complete solution.





>On 1 April 2014 09:51, Will McLaren <wm2 at ebi.ac.uk<http://lists.ensembl.org/mailman/listinfo/dev>> wrote:


> Hi Andrew,


> In fact this is already possible; just add the flag --lrg at runtime. Note

> however that using LRGs depends on connecting to our database, so this will

> not work using --offline and will connect to ensembldb.ensembl.org when

> using --cache. Because of this database connection you may find that the

> script runs more slowly as it attempts to remap your input variants to LRG

> coordinates.


> I'm afraid this is missing from the documentation currently, I will get

> that updated.


> Regards


> Will McLaren

> Ensembl Variation



> On 31 March 2014 22:24, Andrew Carson <acarson at invivoscribe.com<http://lists.ensembl.org/mailman/listinfo/dev>> wrote:


>> Hi ensembl-dev team,


>> I was just wondering if there are plans to incorporate the LRG (locus

>> reference genomic) records into the VEP annotation pipeline (from here:

>> http://www.lrg-sequence.org/home). I only ask because in the HGVS new

>> clinical reporting guidelines they recommend using the LRG sequence (if one

>> is present) to standardize variant reporting.




>> It would also be very useful to have an option where, if a variant

>> overlaps an LRG, you can choose to "pick" that consequence over other

>> consequences.




>> Any thoughts on if this could be added to the development for the next

>> release cycle?


>> Thanks for all of your help!




>> Andrew R. Carson, Ph.D.

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