[ensembl-dev] tomato gene ID

Javad Karimi javadkarimi10 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 16:42:23 BST 2020

 Dear Sir/Madam
I'd like to change the gene ID for "SL.2.5" to " 3 " version. I tried but
failed. It would be kind of you to help me about this issue.
Thanks in advance
Javad Karimi


Javad Karimi , PhD
Entomology Division
Department of Plant Protection
School of Agriculture
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Mashhad , Iran
Alternate email jkb at um.ac.ir <javadkarimi10 at gmail.com>
Tel. ( W.): +98-51- 38 80 58 17 ; Cell : +98-911 17 00 817

*Microbial insecticides in Iran: History, current status, challenges and
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