[ensembl-dev] Jobs at Ensembl

Michal Szpak ms30 at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Aug 14 16:45:35 BST 2020

Hello dev-ers


We have four Ensembl jobs open at the moment:


Job: Software Developer

We’re looking for a Software Developer to contribute to our variation resources. We’re looking for extensive programming experience and years’ experience working in a production development environment. Closes 19th August. 




Job: Bioinformatics Developer

We’re looking for a Bioinformatics Developer to help expand comparative our genomics resources. We’re looking for MSc/PhD or equivalent in computational biology or bioinformatics and practical experience working with genomic data. Closes 28th August




Job: Infrastructure Project Leader

We’re looking for a project leader to head the software development and maintenance of the Ensembl database and API infrastructure. We’re looking for MSc/PhD in computational, physical or biological sciences or equivalent experience in software engineering.  Closes 21st September.



Job: Agricultural Genomics and Bioinformatics Team Leader

We’re looking for a faculty level Team Leader to manage and develop genomic data resources dedicated to crop and livestock agriculture. We’re looking for MSc/PhD in bioinformatics, life sciences, computing or statistics, 6 years relevant work experience and 2 years experience in managing personnel.  Closes 21st September.



Please follow the instructions in the ad to apply. 

All the best,



Michał Szpak, Ph.D.

Ensembl Outreach Officer

European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)

European Molecular Biology Laboratory 

Wellcome Genome Campus

Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK



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