[ensembl-dev] Ensembl REST API | exact meaning of 'Species name'

Ramiro Magno ramiro.magno at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 14:25:38 BST 2019


Several REST API endpoints use the parameter 'species' as a search
parameter. Typically, the description of this parameter reads "Species
name/alias", e.g., in http://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/analysis.

My question is: what is the meaning of "Species name" here? I am asking
this because the endpoint
http://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/species gives me back a list of
species. In this list there are several fields related to the species name:

  (i) name, e.g. 'gorilla_gorilla';
  (ii) aliases, e.g., "gorilla gorilla", "9595", "9593", "gorilla",
"gorgor", "gorilla_gorilla_gorilla", "ggor", "western gorilla", "gorilla
gorilla gorilla","ggorilla";
  (iii) common_name, e.g. "Western Lowland Gorilla";
  (iv) display_name, e.g. "Gorilla"

I've seen also the concept "Scientific name" in the Ensembl website as
well. Is this the same concept as 'name' aforementioned in (i) but without
the underscore ('_') and capitalised (is this a fair assumption)?

BTW: What is a good database key for species? The 'taxon_id' (returned by

Many thanks!

Ramiro Magno
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