[ensembl-dev] Triticum aestivum invalid GFF3

Hans Vasquez-Gross havasquezgross at ucdavis.edu
Sat Mar 1 01:42:16 GMT 2014

Hi All,

  I just wanted to also point out another standard gff parsing tool isn't
able to work with your gff3 reference with the following error highlighted
in bold:

 samtools view -sB Kronos0_KTC1_bwa_ABgenome_20131211.sorted.rmdup.bam |
htseq-count -
Error occured in line 137 of file
*Error: Feature Traes_3AS_775C097A2.E1 does not contain a 'gene_id'
[Exception type: SystemExit, raised in count.py:55]

Another item to consider for the march release.  I look forward to working
with the updated release.

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