[ensembl-dev] VEP on Gorilla

Yuan Chen yuan at sanger.ac.uk
Thu Jun 5 03:38:25 BST 2014

Hi Will,

I have a gorilla variant :
11	91630310	.	A	G

if I use species gorilla_gorilla, then I got error message :
Can't call method "db" on unblessed reference at /nfs/team19/yuan/ensembl-checkout/ensembl-variation-75/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Variation/TranscriptVariation.pm line 322, <GEN0> line 9

if I use other species, such as homo_sapiens, then it’s fine with same config file, only species is different.
WEB tool on gorilla runs fine as well.

Could you help on this please.

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