[ensembl-dev] Finding the species that genes were lost from, in a Compara gene tree

Avril Coghlan alc at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Apr 22 17:13:00 BST 2014

Dear Ensembl developers and users,

I'm involved in some helminth genome sequencing projects in my group, and my colleague (Eleanor Stanley) has built an-house Compara database for these genomes.

I'm interested in identifying gene losses in the gene trees, and noticed that some nodes have 'lost_species_tree_node_id' tags, with the node id. of lost species in the species tree. These ids. are numbers, eg. 40001150.

However, I'm wondering how do I find out which species a particular species tree node id. (eg. 40001150) corresponds to?

I will be very grateful for any help.


Avril Coghlan
Parasite Genomics Team
Sanger Institute

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