[ensembl-dev] Variant Effect Predictor --gene option not working

Sebastian Ginzel sginze2s at inf.h-brs.de
Tue Jan 8 11:59:23 GMT 2013

Dear Ensembl-Developer Team,

I want to use the Variant Effect Predictor standalone script to annotate 
my VCF file for further processing and I need the variants to have 
Ensembl Gene IDs.

Unfortunatly the --gene option is not working and results in this error 

Unknown option: gene
ERROR: Failed to parse command-line flags

Without the --gene option everything runs through perfectly, but no 
Ensembl Gene IDs show up in the output although the documentation 
avaiable at 
suggests that the output of ENSG IDs is forced when using the --cache 
option (which I also use). A quick check of the source code of the 
variant_effect_predictor.pl script showed me, that the --gene option 
seems not to be implemented anymore.

I saw that there was somebody mentioning the removal of the --gene 
option in the mailing list archives following a thread that started on 
5th December 2012 09:12:48. But it doesn't mention anything like my problem.

That leaves me with two questions:

1) What happend to the --gene option and can anyone reproduce this?
2) How can I force the population of the Ensembl Gene ID column when 
--cache is also not working?

Best wishes,
Sebastian Ginzel

PS: Here is what I did to setup VEP on my Ubuntu 12.04 system with perl 

I downloaded and setup the latest VEP version 2.7 
- MD5Sum ab780dcb0267e5872f85ebe2ff4837f5)

"perl variant_effect_predictor.pls --help" shows me that I actually use 
the 2.7 version.

I also downloaded some plugins through GIT using:
git clone "https://github.com/ensembl-variation/VEP_plugins"

I used this command line to call the script:

-i /home/sginze2s/vep/lib/vep/sample1.vcf -o /tmp/bla.vcf --cache --dir 
/home/sginze2s/vep/lib/vep/bin/cache --prefetch --no_adaptor_cache 
--write_cache --strip  --everything --gmaf --xref_refseq --failed 1  
--fork 4 --vcf --format vcf --no_progress --check_existing --check_svs 
--plugin Blosum62 --plugin Downstream --species homo_sapiens 
--db_version=66 --host bio.inf.h-brs.de --user ensembl --password 
******* --port 13306 --force_overwrite --quiet --gene

I use Ensembl API version 66 and use the PERL5LIB variable to link to it.

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