[ensembl-dev] Newbie question: BlastView config for Ubuntu "Lucid" woes

Martin Steele paw_deer at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 10 12:28:21 GMT 2012

Hi All,

This is my first attempt at installing and configuring an Ensembl/BLAST/BlastView resource from scratch, and I've come unstuck when running the blast_database.pl script. I'd be grateful for any (gentle) pointers/solutions. The script fails with:

Base class package "LWP::Parallel::UserAgent" is empty.
    (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first,
    or make that module available in @INC <snip>

I've tried to install the LWP::Parallel::UserAgent module from CPAN, but it fails its tests and hence doesn't install. The problem can be traced to an incompatibility between the newer version of libwww-perl package that comes with the Ubuntu "Lucid" (10.04.3) platform that I'm using. The distro has a libwww version of 6.03, whereas the last version with a working UserAgent module seems to have been 5.814. I've tried a fix and a patch recommended at https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=40261, but to no avail. 

So, what do people do in such a situation? I'm loathe to remove my distribution's version of libwww as it will break other functionality, so what do others in the community do here? Seeing that the UserAgent code appears to have been dormant since 2004, surely this must be a reasonably common problem (though Google doesn't seem to suggest this).

Thanks for any help,
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