[ensembl-dev] issue with my script to fetch genes from a file using API

Hans-Rudolf Hotz hrh at fmi.ch
Wed Nov 2 16:03:09 GMT 2011

Hi Nathalie

What do you mean you only get "1 gene name"?

Well, I copy/paste'd your script and run it with a short version of your 
file (ie the first five lines) and I got back the following two lines:
1	gain	38934531	38934531	38934531	38934531	Chst10 
1	gain	74668174	74678672	74668174	74678672	Stk36 

without any errors/problems.

If I run the complete file, I get your error as soon as I ask for 
chromosome 20

maybe you should change

my $slice_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor('Mouse', 'Core', 'Slice');


my $slice_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor('Human', 'Core', 'Slice');

and then your script runs through the whole file.

Regards, Hans

On 11/02/2011 04:18 PM, Nathalie Conte wrote:
> HI, I have a file see format attached
> basically the coordinates of the regions I want to retrieve genes from
> are column 1( chromosome) 5(start) and 6(end)
> I used this script to parse through the file and give my external gene
> names , in the output I get only 1 gene name and a message:
> Can't call method "get_all_Genes" on an undefined value at
> ./fetch_gene_API.pl line 34.
> I don't understand where this comes from , I wanted to check whether you
> could help/advise
> thanks
> Nathalie
> #!/software/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
> use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw(reverse_comp);
> #use lib "/nfs/team82/nac/amy/may2011/lib";
> my $registry = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry";
> $registry->load_registry_from_db(-host => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org', -user
> => 'anonymous');
> my $file =
> "/nfs/team82/nac/Roland/November_2011/PT_mcrs0.25T_50_2_20M_sdundo.bind_API.txt";
> unless (open(REGIONS, $file)){
> print "Cannot open file \"$file\"\n\n";
> }
> my @regions = <REGIONS>;
> close REGIONS;
> open(OUT,">PT_mcrs0.25T_50_2_20M_sdundo.bind_API_fetchGene.txt");
> my $slice_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor('Mouse', 'Core', 'Slice');
> foreach my $region(@regions){
> chomp $region;
> my @coordinates = split(/\t/, $region);
> my $chromosome = $coordinates[0];
> my $start = $coordinates[4];
> my $end = $coordinates[5];
> my $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('chromosome',$chromosome,
> $start, $end);
> my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes;
> foreach my $gene( @{$genes} ){
> print OUT
> $coordinates[0],"\t",$coordinates[1],"\t",$coordinates[2],"\t",$coordinates[3],"\t",$coordinates[4],"\t",$coordinates[5],"\t",$gene->external_name,"\t",$coordinates[6],
> "\n";
> }
> }
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