[ensembl-dev] error retrieving annotated features from Ensembl Regulation 61

Fiona Nielsen fnielsen at cmbi.ru.nl
Fri Apr 8 12:47:45 BST 2011

I am trying to extract Ensembl data related to the annotated features
in the Ensembl Regulation database.

The function to access regulatory features is executed with no error:

    # set database adaptor
    my $efg_db       = $registry->get_DBAdaptor('Human', 'funcgen');

    # retrieve feature set from database
    my $fset_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor('Human','funcgen','featureset');

    # retrieve all regulatory FeatureSets
    # 'annotated', 'regulatory' or 'supporting'
    my @rf_fsets = @{$fset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_feature_class('regulatory')};

    foreach my $rf_fset(@rf_fsets){
 	print $rf_fset->name.",";

but when trying to access the annotated features, I get an error message
    # set database adaptor
    my $efg_db       = $registry->get_DBAdaptor('Human', 'funcgen');

    # retrieve feature set from database
    my $fset_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor('Human','funcgen','featureset');

    # retrieve all regulatory FeatureSets
    # 'annotated', 'regulatory' or 'supporting'
    my @rf_fsets = @{$fset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_feature_class('annotated')};

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'ct.gender' in 'field
list' at ../ensembl/modules//Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/BaseAdaptor.pm line

I tried to have a look in BioMart, and if I in BioMart select "Homo
Sapiens features" and "annotated features", I am only served empty
rows in the result.
Are these data sets not available or is there some bug in the API to
retrieve them?

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.



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