[ensembl-dev] Memory leaks (cyclic references)

Graham Ritchie grsr at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Sep 17 12:24:03 BST 2010

Hi Kim,

We found a similar issue running the SNP effect predictor internally on large datasets. We fixed this with a call to weaken the (circular) reference a TranscriptVariation has to its corresponding VariationFeature. This fix is in release 59 of the API. Is this the version you are using (you should see a call to weaken in VariationFeature.pm if so)? If not please can you try updating to the latest version to see if this fixes your problem, and if the issue still remains let us know.



On 17 Sep 2010, at 12:08, Kim Brugger wrote:

> Hi
> I have a some data sets with ~40,000 SNPs that I am analysing this with a modified version of the snp_effect_predictor.pl script. Oddly enough the scripts never manage to finish due to excessive memory usage (+12GB ram). After cutting down the script to its minimum it is now clear that the ensembl code suffers from memory leaks and I suspect this is due to cyclic references.
> My primary way of doing this has been by using Devel::Leak. This tells you the number of objects in the scalar table. In a perfect world the number of entries in this table should be constant as the variables are being garbage collected. This is not the case with the objects originating from the ensembl code. Looking at some of these objects with Devel::Cycle shows that the slice objects contains ~40 cyclic references, and TranscriptVariation upto +6000 cyclic references.
> The number of scalars at the end of the runs with variable number of looping shows:
> Normal:
> 10xloop : 141207 scalars
> 20xloop:  147866 scalars
> 100xloop: 195713 scalars
> No caching:
> 10xloop : 140819 scalars
> 20xloop:  147608 scalars
> Weaking Objects:
> 10xloop :  134188 scalars
> 20xloop:   133303 scalars
> Undef Objects:
> 10xloop :  134188 scalars
> 20xloop:   133303 scalars
> 30xloop:   133537 scalars
> I have not verified that the data from the weaked run match that from the normal as I have removed all prints and storage of data.
> Looking through the core ensembl code I can only see weaken called once. As the objects contain a large number of cyclic references this is probably something that should be considered people analysing large datasets will run into this problem.
> I have concatenated the script that I have used for my tests at the end of this email.
> Cheers,
> Kim
> -- 
> ==========================================================
> Kim Brugger
> EASIH, University of Cambridge
> www.easih.ac.uk
> ==========================================================
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> #
> #
> #
> # Kim Brugger (17 Sep 2010), contact: kim.brugger at easih.ac.uk
> use Devel::Leak;
> use Devel::Cycle;
> use Devel::Peek;
> use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Data::Dumper;
> use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
> use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::VariationFeatureAdaptor;
> use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::TranscriptVariationAdaptor;
> use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
> my $species     = "human";
> my $host        = 'ensembldb.ensembl.org';
> my $user        = 'anonymous';
> my $loops       = shift || 10;
> my $weaken = 0;
> my $undef  = 0;
> # get registry
> my $reg = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';
> $reg->load_registry_from_db(-host => $host,-user => $user, -NO_CACHE => 0);
> my $vfa = $reg->get_adaptor($species, 'variation', 'variationfeature');
> my $tva = $reg->get_adaptor($species, 'variation', 'transcriptvariation');
> my $sa  = $reg->get_adaptor($species, 'core', 'slice');
> my $ga  = $reg->get_adaptor($species, 'core', 'gene');
> my $afa = $reg->get_adaptor($species, 'funcgen', 'AnnotatedFeature');
> # Always look at the same set of "random" data
> srand( 2345678);
> my $handle;
> Devel::Leak::NoteSV($handle);
> print STDERR "Start:".(Devel::Leak::NoteSV($handle))."\n";
> for( my $i = 0; $i< $loops; $i++ ) {
>  my @vcfs;
>  foreach my $chr (1, 2) {
>    my $slice;
>    $slice = $sa->fetch_by_region('chromosome', $chr);
>    my $pos =    int(rand(200000));
>    my $new_vf = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature->new(
>      -start          => $pos,
>      -end            => $pos + 1,
>      -slice          => $slice,
>      -allele_string  => "AA",
>      -strand         => 1,
>      -map_weight     => 1,
>      -adaptor        => $vfa,
>      -variation_name => '--',
>     );
>    push @vcfs, $new_vf;
>    $slice = undef;
>  }
>  my $effects = variation_effects(\@vcfs);
>  @vcfs = ();
> #    find_cycle($slice);
> #    find_weakened_cycle($slice);
> #    exit;
> #    print Dumper( $slice );
> }
> print STDERR "Finished :".(Devel::Leak::NoteSV($handle))."\n";
> #
> #
> #
> # Kim Brugger (17 Sep 2010), contact: kim.brugger at easih.ac.uk
> sub variation_effects {
>  my ($var_features) = @_;
>  $tva->fetch_all_by_VariationFeatures( $var_features );
>  foreach my $vf (@$var_features) {
>    my $name = $vf->variation_name();
>    my $existing_vf = "";
>    if(defined($vf->adaptor->db)) {
>      my $fs = $vf->feature_Slice;
>      if($fs->start > $fs->end) {
>    ($fs->{'start'}, $fs->{'end'}) = ($fs->{'end'}, $fs->{'start'});
>      }
>      foreach my $existing_vf_obj (@{$vf->adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($fs)}) {
>    $existing_vf = $existing_vf_obj->variation_name
>        if ($existing_vf_obj->seq_region_start == $vf->seq_region_start &&
>        $existing_vf_obj->seq_region_end   == $vf->seq_region_end );
>      }
>    }
>    # the get_all_TranscriptVariations here now just retrieves the
>    # objects that were attached above - it doesn't go off and do
>    # the calculation again
>    foreach my $con (@{$vf->get_all_TranscriptVariations}) {
> #      find_cycle( $con);
>      foreach my $string (@{$con->consequence_type}) {
>    ($con->{'cdna_start'}, $con->{'cdna_end'}) = ($con->{'cdna_end'}, $con->{'cdna_start'})
>        if ($con->cdna_start && $con->cdna_end && $con->cdna_start > $con->cdna_end);
>    ($con->{'translation_start'}, $con->{'translation_end'}) = ($con->{'translation_end'}, $con->{'translation_start'})
>        if($con->translation_start &&  $con->translation_end && $con->translation_start > $con->translation_end);
>    if ( $con->transcript ) {
>      my $gene = $ga->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($con->transcript->stable_id);
>      my $xref = $con->transcript->get_all_DBEntries('RefSeq_dna' );
>      if ( $con->translation_start) {
>        my ( $old, $new ) = split("\/", $con->pep_allele_string);
>        my $protein = $con->transcript->translation();
>        my $prot_feats = $protein->get_all_ProteinFeatures();
>        while (my $prot_feat = shift @{ $prot_feats }) {
>          my $logic_name = $prot_feat->analysis()->logic_name();
>          next if ( $logic_name ne 'Pfam');
>          if ($con->translation_start >= $prot_feat->start() and
>          $con->translation_end <= $prot_feat->end() ) {
>          }
>          $prot_feat = undef if ( $undef );
>          weaken($prot_feat) if ( $weaken );
>        }
>        weaken($protein) if ( $weaken );
>        $protein = undef if ( $undef );
>        weaken($prot_feats) if ( $weaken );
>        $prot_feats = undef if ( $undef );
>      }
>      weaken($gene) if ( $weaken );
>      $gene = undef if ( $undef );
>    }
>      }
>      weaken($con) if ( $weaken );
>      $con = undef if ( $undef );
>    }
>  }
> }
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