[ensembl-dev] GRCH37 Archive REST api broken for VEP

Wolf Beat Beat.Wolf at hefr.ch
Tue Jul 2 22:47:15 BST 2024


for stability reasons i'm still using the grch37 archive of ensembl at this URL (basically, i do not have to worry that a new ensembl release breaks my scripts).

Sadly, the VEP endpoint is now broken and returns the following error:

{"error":"ERROR: Cache directory /nfs/public/release/ensweb-data/tools/grch37/e99/vep/cache///homo_sapiens not found"}

You can observe this easily by scrolling down to the examples on the following page:

Is there any way to get this fixed?

Kind regards

Beat Wolf

Dr Beat Wolf, PhD ▪ Associate Professor ▪ Member of the iCoSys Institute
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland ▪ Pérolles 80 ▪ CH-1700 Fribourg
Member of University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
https://www.heia-fr.ch<https://eia-fr.ch/> ▪ https://icosys.ch/

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