[ensembl-dev] Parsing Variant files and some way of speeding up orthologue mapping between species.

Olson, Andrew olson at cshl.edu
Thu Feb 25 13:15:36 GMT 2021

Hi Matt,
There is also a public MySQL server where you can access the compara database.  https://useast.ensembl.org/info/data/mysql.html<https://useast.ensembl.org/info/data/mysql.html>
It has a fairly complex schema but if you need rapid ETL once every few months, it’s worth the effort.

On Feb 25, 2021, at 6:23 AM, Matthew Gerring <Matthew.Gerring at jax.org> wrote:


I am downloading various ENSEMBL data in order to build a new custom database for a product called geneweaver<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.geneweaver.org_&d=DwMGaQ&c=mkpgQs82XaCKIwNV8b32dmVOmERqJe4bBOtF0CetP9Y&r=ic-pQ08gnhTpvpqfp3_6Uw&m=9H6mwBKXeZaEyywsP0b19xlWFYHz1H4FAgtSA_eeK_A&s=w3yW2SxyvWnIgi6-zlAXnVAqU8iGx9iuP9wrsjEfe48&e=>

I can ingest gvf/gtf reasonably quickly using a library<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__mvnrepository.com_artifact_org.geneweaver_gweaver-2Dstream-2Dio&d=DwMGaQ&c=mkpgQs82XaCKIwNV8b32dmVOmERqJe4bBOtF0CetP9Y&r=ic-pQ08gnhTpvpqfp3_6Uw&m=9H6mwBKXeZaEyywsP0b19xlWFYHz1H4FAgtSA_eeK_A&s=WzThNaA1KRTvvzf0LZQMz0ZhQjxGNQ1dnNoD2YmBTaM&e=>. It averages around 0.01ms / Variant or Gene-like object over the full data.

In addition to this, the database adds other species and links their orthologues to human. To find orthologs I hit the web service at http://rest.ensembl.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__rest.ensembl.org&d=DwMGaQ&c=mkpgQs82XaCKIwNV8b32dmVOmERqJe4bBOtF0CetP9Y&r=ic-pQ08gnhTpvpqfp3_6Uw&m=9H6mwBKXeZaEyywsP0b19xlWFYHz1H4FAgtSA_eeK_A&s=j7kGnM0GMk6GaMKQyDG0Np8SNM0mz6McBM0CbzKpatg&e=> using "/homology/id/{geneId}" API. Using this lookup is slow (admittedly it is only for genes and not all variants). My times are coming out 3-4s per node.

That makes finding orthologues a considerably time consuming process, it takes longer than adding all 700mill odd human variants.

My question is if it is possible to do it faster? For instance can I download the orthologue data as a file or database? Or the data in which it is held and parse it myself? Can I bulk export somehow? Perhaps more than one orthologue at a time? (If this is not the correct email list, what is? 😊)


Matt Gerring


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