[ensembl-dev] mysql homo_sapiens_otherfeatures_97_38 content

Jerome Roy jerome at wuxinextcode.com
Tue Aug 13 15:35:00 BST 2019


Apologies if there's a simple explanation I missed; I was accessing the mysql db and noticed missing data that I was expecting in the homo_sapiens_otherfeatures_97_38.gene table:

(none)> select source,count(*) from homo_sapiens_otherfeatures_97_38.gene group by source;

| source          | count(*) |
| BestRefSeq      | 31502    |
| ccds            | 33367    |
| Curated Genomic | 16356    |
| ensembl         | 261624   |
| Gnomon          | 11787    |
| tRNAscan-SE     | 575      |
6 rows in set
Time: 0.499s

 (none)> select source,count(*) from homo_sapiens_otherfeatures_95_38.gene group by source;
| source          | count(*) |
| BestRefSeq      | 31637    |
| ccds            | 32471    |
| Curated Genomic | 16472    |
| ensembl         | 261624   |
| Gnomon          | 11999    |
| refseq          | 28125    |
| tRNAscan-SE     | 575      |
7 rows in set
Time: 0.497s

i.e. the rows with source='refseq' have disappeared from the ensembl97 (and ensembl96) database.

Is this change documented somewhere?

Best regards,
Jerome Roy 

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