[ensembl-dev] Transcript Biotype

Wolf Beat Beat.Wolf at hefr.ch
Wed Apr 10 19:13:20 BST 2019


i'm trying to solve an issue where a (for us) important lncRNA changed biotype in ensembl since the oct 2018 release.

The gene in question, GATA6-AS1, can be found here:


Here its stated that all its Transcripts are antisense.

But in the archive:


Its a lncRNA.

Now if i read the description of Antisense, that seems technically true. But lncRNA as a biotype seems much more precise.

The only explanation i can find is that because of: GATA6-AS-208, which is new and actually does overlap GATA6-201, all transcripts of GATA6-AS1 lost their lncRNA status and became antisense.

Does that mean that in ensembl it is not possible to have lncRNAs that overlap other genes? To me that sounds like a bug, but i might just misunderstand the biotypes.

Thank you for your clarifications

Beat Wolf

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