[ensembl-dev] Retrieve segmental duplications in EnsEMBL API?

Matthieu Muffato muffato at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Oct 22 14:21:12 BST 2015

Dear Luke

We don't annotate segmental duplications ourselves. We'd like to import 
the "Eichlerian" duplications from their website 
http://eichlerlab.gs.washington.edu/database.html but their data are on 
previous human / mouse / rat / etc assemblies, so it wouldn't fit our model.

We have in the database and our FTP site a LastZ self-alignment of the 
current human assembly (GRCh38). You would have to process the data 
(filter on length, identity, etc) yourself, though.


On 22/10/15 14:02, Luke Goodsell wrote:
> Hi,
> Does the EnsEMBL Perl API provide the ability to retrieve (Eichlerian) segmental duplication annotations?
> Kind regards,
> Luke

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