[ensembl-dev] Installing ensembl site

Duarte Molha duartemolha at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 10:56:04 BST 2015

Dear Ensembl Devs

Your manual to how to install a local version of your ensembl site are
woefully incomplete and out ot date.

Is there any willingness of fixing these instructions?

A few of my remarks:


The description on how to build configure and install and configure Apache
server and mod_perl are incomplete and even my attempts at following the
steps on my debian server simply fail due to missing dependencies.

Given most people will be running servers on debian and ubuntu and similar
servers it would be very welcome a more targeted approach to the usual
default configuration of systems after after a simple

sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2


This is the way I have opted to install git,  apache and mod_perl and I
think because if it, I still have not been able to setup the site properly
because your setup assumes wrong folder locations for many of the apache2
 configuration files installed in this manner.


git ensembl --clone api
git ensembl --clone web

The instructions above are incorrect

I think they should be :

git-ensembl --clone api
git-ensembl --clone web

correct me if I am wrong, please.


As indicated before, these instructions assume a non-standard apache setup.
At least in debian and ubuntu ... there is no httpd command

apache2 server is started using the command :

sudo apache2ctl start

I hope this has highlighted a few of the difficulties with your
Maybe these are problems only to newbies like me... but at least, maybe
they can help other that are also experiencing difficulties following your

Best regards


     Duarte Miguel Paulo Molha
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