[ensembl-dev] Bacteria Biomart

Beat Wolf beat.wolf at hefr.ch
Tue Feb 24 10:13:49 GMT 2015


following the question about the biomart access to Ensembl bacteria/genomes i 
got interested in the data myself. I quickly found that there is a REST API to access 
the data, which is great. But sadly it does not seem to work correctly. Most of the 
examples gives in the API description do not work and i got a lot of issues. Simple 
requests like retrieving the list of supported species 
(http://rest.ensemblgenomes.org/documentation/info/species[1]  ) give an error.

Is this known? Is there a plan in improving that rest interface and a timetable? Or is 
the API documentation simply out of date and the REST interface actually works 
but has different endpoints than described?

Thank you for your help

Kind regards

Beat Wolf

On Monday 23 February 2015 17.03:47 Dan Staines wrote:
> Hi Toni,
> We no longer provide a BioMart for Ensembl Bacteria following its
> expansion to over 20,000 genomes, which BioMart does not scale to. We're
> actively looking into alternative tools to replace mart - in the
> meantime, if you have specific needs, I'd be more than happy to help as
> far as I can.
> Regards,
> Dan.

PhD Student Beat Wolf

University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
University of Würzburg

PhD Website: http://beat.wolf.home.hefr.ch/[1] 

[1] http://beat.wolf.home.hefr.ch/
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