[ensembl-dev] VEP does not annotate all rows in a samtools VCF

Marlies Dolezal marlies.dolezal at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 08:52:30 BST 2014

hi all,

i am using the latest VEP version 75 (API)(75) to annotate samtools VCF

-offline --force_overwrite --species bos_taurus --fork 16 --input_file
Chr$i.vcf --o Chr$i.vep

the General statistics section of the VEP_summary.html tells me that all
lines of my vcfs are read in, but only a subset of these are processed.
Lines of input read 900857
Variants processed 900241

the difference in lines does not correspond to header/comment lines only.

where can i find out which variants are not processed to try to figure out
why they are not processed?

thanks a lot in advance
regards Marlies

Dr. Marlies Dolezal
1030 Vienna


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Thomas Henry Huxley
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