[ensembl-dev] Mysql DB sizes ?

Benoît Ballester benoit.ballester at inserm.fr
Fri Oct 4 13:02:22 BST 2013


I am trying to estimate the size the MySql Ensembl DBs in order to buy a Mysql instance to have local e! dbs (Main species+Compara+Variation)

Would the sizes on that link be correct to estimate the size of DB for each species ? I guess it includes core/compara/var/etc.. ? 

If not, would it be possible the estimate the size of the DBs for the latest release ? 



Benoît Ballester, PhD
Inserm U1090, TAGC
Campus de Luminy
13288 Marseille Cedex 9
+33 4 91 82 87 39

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