[ensembl-dev] multiple vega/havana entries

Caffrey, Daniel Daniel.Caffrey at umassmed.edu
Thu Oct 3 22:36:37 BST 2013

Dear Ensembl developers,

I want to use the API to retrieve havana Ids for ensembl transcripts. I have been using the get_all_DBEntries('Vega_transcript') method.  However,  I get 2 entries for a single transcript  that are essentially identical (They both refer to OTTHUMT00000357449). There are subtle differences (the dbIDs and the display_ids differ, see output below). 

My questions: 
1) Does anyone know why transcripts  are cross-referenced to  two havana/vega databases?  
2) What is the  difference between the two databases (dbID: 669630 and  dbID: 669633) and is one more preferable to use than the other?

Thanks for your help!

Relevant code snippets:

API Version 73

my @dbEntries = @{ $transcript->get_all_DBEntries('Vega_transcript') };
foreach my $dbEntry(@dbEntries){
my $db=$dbEntry->dbname(); #e.g. Vega_transcript
             my $id=$dbEntry->display_id(); # e.g. OTTHUMT00000357450 MAPK14-001 
             my $primaryId=$dbEntry->primary_id(); # e.g. OTTHUMT00000357450 OTTHUMT00000357449
             my $dbType=$dbEntry->type(); #e.g. MISC
             my $description=$dbEntry->type(); #this is set to MISC for havana
             my $dbDisplayName=$dbEntry->db_display_name(); #e.g. Vega_transcript
             my $desc=$dbEntry->description();
             my $dbId=$dbEntry->dbID();
              print OUT "get_all_DBEntries dbID: $dbId db_display_name: $dbDisplayName  dbname: $db  primary_id  $primaryId displayId: $id type $dbType\n";

Output for ENST00000229795 ENSG00000112062

get_all_DBEntries dbID: 669630 db_display_name: Vega transcript  dbname: Vega_transcript  primary_id  OTTHUMT00000357449 displayId: OTTHUMT00000357449 type MISC
get_all_DBEntries dbID: 669633 db_display_name: Vega transcript  dbname: Vega_transcript  primary_id  OTTHUMT00000357449 displayId: MAPK14-001 type MISC

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