[ensembl-dev] ensembl_id in DBEntry

Nicole Washington nlwashington at lbl.gov
Fri Mar 1 21:34:03 GMT 2013


I want to fetch all DBEntries by a given source, say EntrezGene, and then locally make a gene-based hash of the entries.   My reason is that repeated queries of fetch_all_by_Gene is a very expensive operation time-wise, particularly when needing to fetch for all genes in a genome.

In order to to this, I need the ensembl ids linked to the DBEntry.  However, the objects I get from a fetch_all_by_Source don't seem to be delivering this info.

I'm using r70 of the ensembl API.

Here's a bit of my code:

  my $dbentries_by_source = {}; 
  my %dbentries_by_ensembl_id = {};

  print STDOUT "Fetching xrefs...\n";
  my $xref_count=0;

  foreach my $xref (@xrefs_to_fetch) {
    my $dbes = $dbentry_adaptor->fetch_all_by_source($xref);
    print STDOUT @$dbes . " found.  Sorting...";
    $dbentries_by_source->{$xref} = $dbes;
    foreach my $dbe (@$dbes) {
      print STDOUT $dbe->ensembl_id() . ", ";
      if (!defined ($dbentries_by_ensembl_id{$dbe->ensembl_id()})) {
        @{$dbentries_by_ensembl_id{$dbe->ensembl_id()}} = ();
        print "c";  #feedback for making reference hash
      print "r"; #feedback for adding an reference element

Below you'll find what the Dumper of the first object returned is...you'll notice that there's no "ensembl_id" key-value pair in the DBEntry object.  

Am I going about this the wrong way?  Any hints?  Thanks in advance...


$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'priority' => '250',
                 'adaptor' => bless( {
                                       '_is_multispecies' => '',
                                       'db' => bless( {
                                                        'seq_region_cache' => bless( {
                                                                                       'id_cache' => {
                                                                                                       '27527' => [
                                                                                                       '27526' => [
                                                                                                       '27525' => [
                                                                                                       '27524' => [
                                                                                                       '27523' => [
                                                                                                       '27522' => [
                                                                                                       '27521' => [
                                                                                                       '27520' => [
                                                                                                       '27519' => [
                                                                                                       '27518' => [
                                                                                                       '27517' => [
                                                                                                       '27515' => [
                                                                                                       '27514' => [
                                                                                                       '27513' => [
                                                                                                       '27512' => [
                                                                                                       '27511' => [
                                                                                                       '27510' => [
                                                                                                       '27509' => [
                                                                                                       '27508' => [
                                                                                                       '27507' => [
                                                                                                       '27516' => [
                                                                                                       '27506' => [
                                                                                                       '27505' => [
                                                                                                       '27504' => [
                                                                                                       '100965601' => [
                                                                                       'name_cache' => {
                                                                                                         '5:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27527'},
                                                                                                         '19:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27526'},
                                                                                                         '10:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27525'},
                                                                                                         '4:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27524'},
                                                                                                         '8:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27523'},
                                                                                                         '20:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27522'},
                                                                                                         '15:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27521'},
                                                                                                         '14:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27520'},
                                                                                                         '12:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27519'},
                                                                                                         '9:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27518'},
                                                                                                         '3:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27517'},
                                                                                                         'X:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27516'},
                                                                                                         '6:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27515'},
                                                                                                         '16:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27514'},
                                                                                                         '13:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27513'},
                                                                                                         '18:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27512'},
                                                                                                         '1:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27511'},
                                                                                                         '22:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27510'},
                                                                                                         '17:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27509'},
                                                                                                         '2:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27508'},
                                                                                                         '7:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27506'},
                                                                                                         '21:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27505'},
                                                                                                         '11:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27504'},
                                                                                                         'MT:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'100965601'},
                                                                                                         'Y:2' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'seq_region_cache'}{'id_cache'}{'27507'}
                                                                                     }, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SeqRegionCache' ),
                                                        '_is_multispecies' => '',
                                                        '_dbc' => bless( {
                                                                           '_username' => 'anonymous',
                                                                           'connected86253' => 1,
                                                                           '_timeout' => 0,
                                                                           '_host' => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org',
                                                                           '_port' => '5306',
                                                                           '_query_count' => 10,
                                                                           '_driver' => 'mysql',
                                                                           '_dbname' => 'homo_sapiens_core_70_37',
                                                                           'db_handle86253' => bless( {}, 'DBI::db' )
                                                                         }, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection' ),
                                                        '_species' => 'homo_sapiens',
                                                        '_group' => 'core',
                                                        '_species_id' => 1
                                                      }, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor' ),
                                       'dbc' => $VAR1->{'adaptor'}{'db'}{'_dbc'},
                                       'species_id' => 1
                                     }, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBEntryAdaptor' ),
                 'display_id' => 'A1BG',
                 'primary_id' => '1',
                 'version' => '0',
                 'description' => 'alpha-1-B glycoprotein',
                 'dbname' => 'EntrezGene',
                 'dbID' => '936659',
                 'synonyms' => [
                 'info_text' => '',
                 'info_type' => 'DEPENDENT',
                 'type' => 'MISC',
                 'db_display_name' => 'EntrezGene'
               }, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry' );

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