[ensembl-dev] (no subject)

Maria Xenophontos m.xenophontos.cy at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 14:12:01 BST 2012

Dear developer,

I am using API version 67 and my aim is to retrieve feature sets for 3
specific cell types (IMR90, MRC5, TIG3). I try to do so by fetching the
cell type by name and then fetching the feature set by CellType. The script
works fine for the IMR90 cell type, however when I try to get the cell type
object for MRC5 or TIG3 I get an error for uninitialized value

my $ct_adaptor= $registry->get_adaptor('Human', 'funcgen', 'celltype');
my $ctype_1= $ct_adaptor->fetch_by_name("IMR90");
 my @fsets;
my $fset_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Human', 'funcgen', 'featureset'
my $fsets_1= $fset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_CellType($ctype_1);
push @fsets, @{$fsets_1};
 my $ctype_2= $ct_adaptor->fetch_by_name("MRC5");
 #print STDOUT "**". $ctype_2->display_label()."\n";
 my $fsets_2= $fset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_CellType($ctype_2);
 push @fsets, @{$fsets_2};

*Maria Xenophontos, BA
MSc Student *
School of Biological Sciences
University of Edinburgh
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