[ensembl-dev] Can a SNP span 366bp ?

Benoît Ballester benoit.ballester at inserm.fr
Fri Jul 6 09:43:24 BST 2012


I am fetching variants for some slices using the API (v65). 
But for a given slice (22:24309259-24309271) I find this variant rs11553164 (T/C) which span 366bp !

rs11553164      T/C     22      24309211        24309576        1       SNP     dbSNP   ESSENTIAL_SPLICE_SITE

I am probably missing something obvious, but how come this SNP (T/C) can spread 366bp ?
I would expect the usual 1bp, I find this is a bit confusing. 

#-- the same apply in v67
anonymous at ensembldb.ensembl.org [homo_sapiens_variation_65_37]> SELECT  v.name, sq.name as chr, vf.seq_region_start, vf.seq_region_end FROM variation v, variation_feature vf, seq_region sq  WHERE v.variation_id=vf.variation_id  AND sq.seq_region_id = vf.seq_region_id AND v.name = "rs11553164";
| name       | chr | seq_region_start | seq_region_end |
| rs11553164 | 22  |         24309211 |       24309576 | 
| rs11553164 | 22  |         24316130 |       24316495 | 

Thanks for the feedback, 


Benoît Ballester, PhD
Inserm U1090, TAGC
Marseille - France
+33 4 91 82 87 39

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