[ensembl-dev] VEP bugs - Blosum62 plugin incompatible?

Duarte Molha Duarte.Molha at ogt.co.uk
Thu Aug 2 14:06:05 BST 2012

Dear Developers

I downloaded the latest VEP script and run it using these parameters:
using the command:

perl variant_effect_predictor.pl -i example.vcf -o example_annot.vcf --vcf --sift b --polyphen b --numbers --domains --regulatory --protein --check_existing --verbose --buffer_size 500000 --force_overwrite --gmaf --fork 10 --plugin Blosum62

The script dies with the output:

Can't use string ("0.524") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /NGS_Tools/bin/VEP_26_testing/Bio/EnsEMBL/Variation/Utils/VEP.pm line 4530, <CHILD> line 512.

This seems to be related with the Plug-in Blosum62... when running the script without the Blosum plugin it runs fine

Any ideas in what might be wrong?

Best regards,

Duarte Molha

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