[ensembl-dev] Problem with VEP

Ivan Smirnov vanya108 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 00:54:00 GMT 2011

I have downloaded latest API and variant_effect_predictor.pl (v.2.2),
and when I try to run it I am getting errors:

-------------------- WARNING ----------------------
MSG: homo_sapiens is not a valid species name (check DB and API version)
FILE: Bio/EnsEMBL/Registry.pm LINE: 1159
CALLED BY: ./variant_effect_predictor.pl  LINE: 462
Ensembl API version = 65

-------------------- WARNING ----------------------
MSG: homo_sapiens is not a valid species name (check DB and API version)
FILE: Bio/EnsEMBL/Registry.pm LINE: 1159
CALLED BY: Bio/EnsEMBL/Registry.pm  LINE: 953
Ensembl API version = 65

-------------------- EXCEPTION --------------------
MSG: Can not find internal name for species 'homo_sapiens'
STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry::get_adaptor
STACK main::get_adaptors ./variant_effect_predictor.pl:707
STACK main::configure ./variant_effect_predictor.pl:559
STACK toplevel ./variant_effect_predictor.pl:61
Ensembl API version = 65

Another strange thing is that when I was downloading API the link says
version 64, as in:
but from the error message it seems that the version is 65??


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