[ensembl-dev] Memory footprint of script

Duarte Molha duartemolha at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 11:05:58 GMT 2011

Dear Ensembl Devs

I am struggling with an issue of the memory footprint of a script.
I have installed a local version of Ensembl V64 and have created a script
that basically retrieves all known variation on any given chromosome and
outputs to files some relevant information regarding allele frequencies and
any annotations connected with each variation.

Because I am looping though all variants and printing the data gathered to
files I did not expect the memory footprint of the script to be as large as
it is and it seems that for big chromosomes the script keeps increasing the
memory allocated to him until it will eventually crash.

Can any of you find where I have gone wrong on my code?
I appreciate any insights into what I might be doing wrong.

Best regards

      Duarte Molha


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use lib '/array/dept/compbio/ensembl/current_api/ensembl-variation/modules'; #
points to latest ensemblt core API

use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
use Statistics::Descriptive;
use Term::ProgressBar;
use IO::File;
use strict;

my $host     = 'myHost';
my $user     =  'user';
my $password = 'pass';
my $port     = 3306;

# get registry
my $reg = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';

-host       => $host,
-user       => $user,
 -pass       => $password,
-port       => $port,
-species    => 'Homo sapiens',
 -verbose    => 1,

my $vfa   = $reg->get_adaptor('Homo sapiens', 'variation',
my $va    = $reg->get_adaptor('Homo sapiens', 'variation', 'variation');
my $sa    = $reg->get_adaptor('Homo sapiens', 'core', 'slice');
my $vaa   = $reg->get_adaptor('Homo sapiens', 'variation',

my $freqs_file;
my $annot_file;

my $chr = shift;

my $core_mca = $reg->get_adaptor('Homo sapiens', 'core', 'metacontainer');
unless ($core_mca){
print STDERR "Failed to connect to local database\n";

$freqs_file = new
$annot_file = new



#main sub to run all the vars found on each inputr chr
sub run_data{
 my $chr = shift;
 #get slice for chr
 my $slice = "";
eval { $slice = $sa->fetch_by_region('chromosome', $chr); };
 # if failed, try to get any seq region
if(!defined($slice)) {
$slice = $sa->fetch_by_region(undef, $chr);
 # get all vars
 my @vfas = @{$vfa->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice)};
 # progress bar initialization
 my $number_of_entries = scalar (@vfas);
my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new ({count => $number_of_entries ,
 name => "Gathering Data for chr $chr :",
ETA => 'linear',
my $next_update = 0;
 my $i = 0;
 # loop though all vars found
 foreach my $vf (@vfas) {
#get freq data for var
my @data1 = get_freqs_for_existing($vf);
 #print to file
if ($data1[0]){
print $freqs_file @data1;
 #get annotation data for far
 my @data2 = get_phenotype_info($vf);
#print to file
if ($data2[0]){
 print $annot_file @data2;
 #progress bar iteration
$next_update = $progress->update() if ($i > $next_update);
 #update progress bar
 $progress->update($number_of_entries) if $number_of_entries >=

# sub to retrieve allele frequency info for input variation
sub get_freqs_for_existing{
my $vf = shift;

my %data;
 my @return_data;
foreach my $allele (@{$vf->get_all_Alleles()}) {
 next unless defined $allele->{population} || defined
my $pop_name = $allele->population->name;
 #populate hash if allele frequency info is available
if ($allele->allele && $allele->frequency){
 #merge hapmap data and 1kg frequeny data
if ($pop_name =~ /^(CSHL-HAPMAP)|(1000)/i){
 if ($pop_name =~ /^CSHL-HAPMAP/i){
push(@{$data{hap}{$allele->allele}}, $allele->frequency);
if($pop_name =~ /^1000/i){
push(@{$data{"1kg"}{$allele->allele}}, $allele->frequency);
push(@{$data{any}{$allele->allele}}, $allele->frequency);
 #gather frequency data for any population
push(@{$data{$pop_name}{$allele->allele}}, $allele->frequency);
 # get statistics
foreach my $pop (keys %data){
foreach my $allele (keys %{$data{$pop}}){
 my $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new();
 my $mean =  sprintf "%.3f", $stat->mean();
my $std  =  sprintf "%.3f", $stat->standard_deviation();
 my $min  =  sprintf "%.3f", $stat->min();
push (@return_data,
 return ((@return_data) ? @return_data : undef);


# sub to get all available annotation for input variation
sub get_phenotype_info{
my $vf = shift;
my @alleles = split /\//, $vf->allele_string;
 my $var = $vf->variation();
my %vas;
my @return_data;

#get all variation annotations available
for my $va (@{ $var->get_all_VariationAnnotations() }) {
 my $risk_allele = "-";
foreach my $allele (@alleles){
if ($va->associated_variant_risk_allele){
 my $risk_allele_annot = (split /\-/,
if ($risk_allele_annot && $risk_allele_annot eq $allele){
 $risk_allele = $risk_allele_annot;
my $associated_genes = $va->associated_gene || "-";
 my $pheno_desc       = $va->phenotype_description || "-";
my $pheno_source     = $va->source_name || "-";
 my $pheno_study      = $va->study_description || "-";
my $pheno_study_reference = $va->external_reference || "-";
 my $string = join "\t", $associated_genes, $pheno_desc, $pheno_source,
$pheno_study, $pheno_study_reference;
push (@{$vas{$risk_allele}}, $string);

#retrieve all annotations info gathered
if (%vas){
 foreach my $allele (keys %vas){
foreach my $annotation (@{$vas{$allele}}){
 push (@return_data,
 return ((@return_data) ? @return_data : undef);
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