[ensembl-dev] Effects predictor version 2

Stuart Meacham sm766 at cam.ac.uk
Tue May 17 14:24:33 BST 2011

Hi Graham,

On 17/05/11 14:11, Graham Ritchie wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> The script just reads precomputed sift and polyphen predictions from the database. Do you have copies of the sift_prediction and polyphen_prediction tables in your local database (along with the supporting protein_info and protein_position tables)?
> Cheers,
> Graham

I just followed the instructions here:


to create a local core database replacing the defunct url 
(ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current/mysql/) with:


and using all files in the homo_sapiens_core_62_37g/ directory.

Looking at my local copy it seems I am missing the tables you mention . . .



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