[ensembl-announce] Announcing Limited Ensembl Service for the Holidays

Giulietta Spudich gspudich at ebi.ac.uk
Wed Dec 19 19:56:14 GMT 2012

Dear all,

The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus as well as the Sanger Institute and the
EBI are closed for the holiday period between 23 December and 2 January.
Ensembl browsers (www.ensembl.org, useast.ensembl.org. uswest.ensembl.org.
and asia.ensembl.org) along with underlying databases will remain
accessible during this time, however, if we experience any issues,
associated fixes are likely to be delayed.

As usual, API or local installation issues can be reported to
dev at ensembl.org (the archive is searchable at
http://lists.ensembl.org/pipermail/dev/), and questions or reports about
the browser or underlying data can be emailed to helpdesk at ensembl.org
(this is a private list). However, please expect delays in replying to
your question up to 4 January 2013.

Have a good end to the year. We look forward to hearing from you in 2013!

The Ensembl Team

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