[ensembl-announce] Ensembl release 63

Rhoda Kinsella rhoda at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Jul 5 08:28:43 BST 2011

The Ensembl project is pleased to announce release 63 of Ensembl (http://www.ensembl.org 
) which was released on June 30th.

Highlights include a new high-coverage assembly for microbat (Myotis  
lucifugus), the most recent human and zebrafish manual gene  
annotations from HAVANA and a fresh update of mouse variation data,  
among numerous other additions.

For more information about this release visit:


For the latest news on the ensembl project visit our blog at http://www.ensembl.info

The release blog post can be viewed here:


Rhoda Kinsella

Rhoda Kinsella Ph.D.
Ensembl Bioinformatician,
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI),
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
Cambridge CB10 1SD,

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