[ensembl-announce] Ensembl UK shutdown - 8/9th January 2011

Anne Parker ap5 at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Dec 22 14:23:00 GMT 2010

Hi all

Owing to problems with our data centre cooling system, the Sanger  
network will be offline from around 4.30pm on Friday 7th January until  
the evening of Sunday 9th January (UK time).

This means that all UK-based Ensembl sites, including www.ensembl.org,  
archives and pre site, will be unavailable from late Friday afternoon  
until Monday morning. Our US mirror sites will be available, but  
services that depend on machines based in the UK, i.e. BLAST/BLAT and  
user logins, will be disabled during this time.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. A reminder  
will be sent out nearer the time.



Anne Parker
Ensembl Web Production Manager

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