[ensembl-announce] removal of old Ensembl Genomes databases from public mysql server

Dan Staines dstaines at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Aug 26 17:04:28 BST 2010

Due to space constraints, Ensembl Genomes will adopt the policy of 
providing public MySQL databases for the current and last releases, with 
older databases being removed from our public MySQL server when new 
releases become public.

This means that when release 6 becomes available (currently scheduled 
for 31st August), all databases for releases 3 and 4 will be removed 
from the public MySQL server. Please note that dumps of all past 
releases will continue to be available from our FTP site.


Dan Staines.

Dan Staines, PhD               Ensembl Genomes Technical Coordinator
EMBL-EBI                       Tel: +44-(0)1223-492507
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus   Fax: +44-(0)1223-494468
Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK         http://www.ensemblgenomes.org/

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