[ensembl-dev] error API

Nathalie Conte nconte at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Jun 9 12:17:08 BST 2015

Dear Dev team,

I am running a script to get various annotation from Variation IDs I fetch from ensembl.
I am running this for every chromosome and it works for all but  chromosome 17 where it stops  throwing this error message where I am trying to use get_nearest_Gene function from the variation feature.
Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at home/Bio/EnsEMBL/Feature.pm line 1452.

while (<INFILE>){ #file where variation ID are captured
my @data =split /\t/;
    my $variation_human = $data[2]; #rsID
    next if (!$variation_human) ;
    my $human_query_variation = $v_adaptor->fetch_by_name($variation_human); 

    if (!$human_query_variation){ next; 
    } else {
my $mvfs  = $vf_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Variation($human_query_variation);

	foreach my $vf (@{$mvfs}){
	    if ($vf->coord_system_name eq "chromosome"){
		my $type=$vf->is_somatic;
		if ($type==0){$type='germline';} else {$type='somatic';};

		my $nearest_genes = $vf->get_nearest_Gene;
if ($nearest_genes){
my $gene_name=defined($nearest_genes->external_name) ? $nearest_genes->external_name : 'no_ext_gene_name';
my $ENS_ID= defined($nearest_genes->stable_id) ? $nearest_genes->stable_id : 'no_stableID';							

print OUTFILE2 $variation_human, "\t",'nearestgene is'.$nearest_genes->external_name, "\t", $gene_name, "\t",$ENS_ID, "\n";

The very same script works for all other chromosomes  and I cannot understand what is the issue here.
This is the last SNP ID which will be printed: COSM460246. The following one: rs398123092 will cause an error.
I am using ensembl_v79
    -host=>  'mysql-ensembl-mirror.ebi.ac.uk', -user=>'anonymous',
    -port=>'4240', 'db_version' => 79,);

Thanks for any tips,

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